Wirral is home to 321,300 residents, (Census 2001) with a total electorate of 244,962 (June 2004). The Metropolitan Borough of Wirral was created in the 1974 local government reorganisation - when it became part of Merseyside. Before then Wirral was made up of five districts based on the old County Boroughs and was part of Cheshire. Wirral is now the third largest metropolitan authority in the Northwest of England.
Wirral is a peninsula of 60.35 square miles which lies between the estuaries of the River Dee and the River Mersey. It is an area of contrasts, with sandy beaches, a magnificent coastline, mountain views, country lanes, woodland and the peace of nature reserves, as well as thriving businesses, shopping centres, and a vibrant arts, culture and entertainment scene.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
There are currently a number of energy conservation and efficiency initiatives ongoing within the Council. Achievements to date include Wirral’s Utility Procurement strategy, which has been in operation since February 2004 and has delivered the purchase of 100% “green electricity” (ie: from renewable sources). In addition, the three year £1.7M Energy Efficiency Investment Programme, approved by Council on 1st March 2006, is coming to the end of its first year, and includes the Corporate BEMS project, Burner Management Unit project, Water Reduction scheme, Leisure Site Heat Recovery schemes, Boiler Replacement Programme, Street Lighting Bulk Change scheme and Utility Bill Validation scheme. These Phase 1 initiatives are expected to save 1,162 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide, 6.2 million Kilowatt Hours of finite Fossil Fuels and 20,000 Cubic Metres of Water that would normally be consumed by the Council. A Phase 2, Energy Efficiency Investment programme comprising £1.4M investment over 4 years was approved at Cabinet on 24th January 2007, this comprises a Cavity Wall Insulation project, Boiler House Insulation, an Electricity Efficiency Programme and a long term Awareness Raising Programme.
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :
Crêche / Jardin d'enfants
Enseignement général
Enseignement professionnel
Social / Culturel
Dispensaire médical
Centre de secours
Logement collectif
Habitat individuel
Contact :
M. Darren Dodd
Département :
Technical Services, Energy Conservation Team
Adresse :
Cheshire Lines Building, Canning Street GB-CH41 1ND Birkenhead