Walsall Council is one of seven districts that comprise the West Midlands County, which by population is the largest Metropolitan area outside Greater London.
The Council operates through a Cabinet of 10 Councillors, Chaired by the Leader of the Council. It is a district/unitary authority responsible for a wide range of services and functions, including planning and highways, social services, environmental health and consumer protection, education and community services including leisure, and housing at a strategic level. The Council has in total an Asset portfolio of some 500 properties.
The Council's Property Services - Energy Conservation Unit is responsible for implementing energy and water conservation measures throughout the authority's operational buildings. These include schools, office buildings, town halls, sports and leisure centres, day and community centres, residentail care homes, libraries and museums, depots and public conveniences.
The Council has gained The Carbon Trust's Accreditation for Achievements in Energy Efficiency and is a signatory to the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change.
Initiatives de l'organisation pour la performance énergétique de ses bâtiments :
Energy Efficiency Measures implemented in our buildings comprise the following:
Energy Awareness Campaigns
Energy Surveys & Feasibility Studies
Automatic Lighting Controls
Low Energy & High Frequency Lamps
High Efficiency Gas Fired Boilers
Zone Valves
Building Energy Managements Systems
Micro CHP
Heat Plate Exchanger
Solar Panels
Rain Water Harvesting
Green Electricity to reduce Carbon Emissions
Water Conservation - Push Taps, Urinal Controls, Low Volume Shower Heads, Push Button Showers
Working with the Carbon Trust on their Carbon Management Energy Efficiency (CMME) programmme covering three areas:
Energy Surveys of least efficient buildings
CHP Feasibility Study
Raising Staff Awareness
Nombre de bâtiment engagés par catégorie jusqu'à aujourd'hui :