2011 TCA Award applicants are you ready? | 225 visits
Creative communication campaigns for efficient buildings
The European Award “TOWARDS CLASS A” 2011
Your municipality is “display”ing an energy certificate in its buildings? And it has launched a much broader awareness-raising campaign on the energy performance? If so, Energy Cities’ Display® (...) Read more >>
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This message has been sent from Energy Cities - 2, chemin de Palente - FR-25000 Besançon
Contact: Ian Turner
Tel: +33 3 81 65 37 93 / E-mail: www.energy-cities.eu/ian
More information: www.energy-cities.eu
The Display Campaign is driven by hundreds of committed European municipalities and supported by the following organisations:
The sole responsibility of the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.