“Running together for the Climate. Energy Days in Udine” is a symposium with conferences and activities on energy topics on December the 18th and 19th 2009.
Recently, the municipality has signed the Covenant of Mayors, an agreement signed by European cities, which want to achieve the EU objectives concerning the reduction of CO2 emissions. Moreover, the event takes place during final days of Copenhagen Conference on Climate changes, when governments will take important decisions on how to reduce greenhouse emissions.
The main aim of the initiative is to explain how the environmental policies will affect citizens’ everyday life.
Lots of local institutions collaborate to the event : the Energy Agency of the Province of Udine, Technical High schools, (ITI Malignani - Udine, ISIC D’Aronco – Gemona), University of Udine, environmental associations and city bookshops.
December 18th
15.00 : conference “Running together for the Climate”. How local energy policies can affect citizens’ everyday life, with participation of municipality of Salerno and Firenze and the Energy Agency of Carinzia (Austria).
15.00 - 18.00 : the “Energy Ludobus” : educational activities on energy for children ; environmental associations Legambiente, WWF, Federconsumatori, APE will distribute information materials on their energy activities.
December 19th
09.00 - 13.00 : Energy Agency of Province of Udine – training course for citizens to choose an energy efficient house ; at the end a guided tour to a Climahouse building in Udine.
09.00 - 12.00 : guided tour to renewable energy plants n the city, with an ecologic bus provided by SAF.
December 18th and 19th
Energy in High schools - ITI Malignani (Udine) e ISIS D’Aronco (Gemona) present their energy efficient projects
Presentation of book “Energy and Future” by Mirco Rossi.
From December 14th to 19th window bookshops will be equipped with books and stuff on energy topics.
Click here to download the pdf version of the program.