Hungarians hungry for Display
Thanks to the initiative of the Hungarian National Ministry for Development and Economy (Nemzeti Fejlesztési és Gazdasági Minisztérium), during the first half of 2009, the Display online software and the communication system has now been adapted to the Hungarian needs.
Vati - the Hungarian non-profit company for Regional Development and Town Planning - is the official Hungarian contact concerning the help desk and registration of national Display users. They are currently developing a Hungarian version of the Display website.
All Hungarian municipalities and their organisations as well as different structures of the Hungarian Ministry can use Display for free and on a voluntary basis.
Energiaklub, a well known NGO in Hungary, are responsible for the promotion of the Display Campaign in Hungary via the publication of press articles n and dissemination of promotional materials (leaflet, webpage) and organisation of a training for Hungarian cities. On the 15th of December they organised a Display event as part of the Staccato Faluház project.