Salerno: Informative Campaigns in action
The city of Salerno in the south of Italy is showing its citizens that it is concerned about the environment. Having already achieved the Italian record of recycling 74% of its waste the city is now focusing on improving the energy and water performances of school buildings and sport facilities.
Via the Display Campaign the city has been able to monitor the consumption, both for energy and water, in 49 schools (12 day nursery schools, 28 primary schools and 9 secondary schools) and 3 sport facilities. This has now been carried out for three successive years and each year the energy and water performance has been displayed in each of the buildings using Display posters.
Specific activities have been carried out in the sport facilities. Last year on the 26th October 430 kits for reducing water consumption were donated to associations and managers of sport facilities during the “Doccia-Light” event.
The local communication campaign is supported by planned infrastructural changes to the buildings. In the near future the city will be installing photovoltaic plants, renewing air-conditioning systems and rationalising power supply.
The Display Campaign reflects the innovative image and the keen predisposition towards the environmental protection of Salerno’s Local Council. On the 28th of April the city is organising the first Italian users club meeting as a side event of Energy Cities’ annual rendezvous. This is evidence of their commitment to share their experience with other Italian municipalities.