On the 5th of February 2010 over 100 labels were simultaneously “Display”ed in 10 cities within the Swiss “l’Arc jurassien” region. This activity was initiated by the l’Arc jurassien network – an association of cities that aim to unite activities within the region and particularly to focus on energy.
For over 10 years meetings have regularly been organised between technicians or politicians. The aim being to support the exchange of experience and allow for others to benefit from certain knowledge thus stimulating creativity in the field of local energy policy. Within this network the members that had already used Display such as Neuchâtel, La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle proposed the other members to join Display. The technical staff of these cities felt that the Display label is a communication tool that is particularly effective when conversing with elected members. At a political level the idea to combine the members efforts was particularly appreciated. Thanks to this approach the launch was able to be diffused at a large scale to the media within the region.
Contact and more details: www.ecoparc.ch/rvaj