Communicate your buildings energy rating – 7 magical years of the Display® Campaign
This ‘magical’ event took place in the afternoon April 13th in the course of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) in Brussels (BE), aiming to highlight all the positive impacts and experiences.
Pekka Sauri, Vice President of Energy-Cities and Deputy Mayor of Helsinki (FI) expressed that “Thanks to the Display® Campaign local authorities continue to be at the forefront of Energy Certification and go beyond the EPBD recast requirements as they organise original and dynamic local communication campaigns to encourage local citizens to be involved in the energy consumption reduction of public buildings in Europe.”
Gérard Magnin, Executive Director of Energy Cities, opened the first round of discussion stating about the important role Display is playing in supporting and influencing the EPBD – European Public Buildings Directive.
The second part of the event highlighted short success stories from participating municipalities and organisations in their communication campaigns.
Peter Schilken (Energy Cities), gave an even greater dimension to the whole event by hosting a lively and controversy debate on the future EU voluntary Label for non residential buildings. 2 MEPs and several stakeholders strongly involved in the implementation of the EPBD discussed how the experience gained via the Display® Campaign (DC) can be used to get a complete acceptance of a voluntary label by the EU member States.
The 5th Towards Class "A" Award Ceremony closed the event.
Mr Schilken, basing on his experience in running Display® Campaign, concluded that “Display Cities are absolutely willing to go for a European voluntary certificate as well as for continuing communication campaigns.”
Presentations from the event, as well as video and pictures on our blog dedicated to this event.