On the 1st of September 2010, the City of Lille (FR) launched an ambitious Energy Challenge - Défi Crèche: in one year, kindergarten would significantly decrease their energy consumption, thanks to a wide communication programme!
By the end of November 2010, training sessions enabled to inform more than 200 people working in kindergarten on the best energy practices. 12 kindergarten benefited from these activities.
Lille has had a long experience in the Display® campaign and won the Toward Class "A" Award in 2011. Display® posters have been posted in kindergarten to show not only to the staff working in these buildings but also to persons in charge their maintenance and to visitors how the buildings perform. The Display® communication was accompanied by additional efficient posters listing 10 top tips to be done at home.
To participate in the Energy Challenge, kindergarten managers were invited to collect best ideas and simple actions to improve the building energy efficiency and to implement them in 2011.
Last month, three winners have been rewarded for their energy and water performance and for their best ideas. Thanks to the success of this Energy Challenge involving all via simple actions, the City of Ville plans to drive again this competition in 2012 and to extend it to other categories of public buildings!
© photo City of Lille