The EU Energy Efficiency Directive which has just been adopted and officially published, requires from Member states to renovate 3% of their buildings per year.
The initial proposal of the European Commission targeted all public buildings. Energy Cities, coordinator of the Display® Campaign, welcomed this proposal, unlike other associations of local authorities which expressed their reservation.
Indeed, a rhythm of 3% a year means renovating the whole building stock by 2050 -which is the deadline to reach the national "Factor 4"*.
Therefore, an annual rate of 3% seems quite logical.
Energy Cities is highly satisfied with the joint declaration of the French associations of cities and conurbations, all signatories of the Covenant of Mayors, that engaged to renovate 3% a year of their most energy-consuming buildings.
French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault co-signed the declaration, thus committing the State to support the most successful local measures in favour of energy efficiency and savings, as well as the district heating systems fed by renewable energy sources. The document states that big cities and urban communities will be able to apply for the savings fund loans of the Caisse des Dépôts dedicated to public buildings renovation for the 2013-2017 period.
Energy Cities :
- calls the associations of local authorities from all countries to commit, together with their governments, to reach the 3% objective ;
- suggests that a wide renovation process for public buildings be launched on a European level, with public displaying of the actual reductions in energy use made thanks to the retrofitting measures.
The before/after poster of the Display® Campaign -"statistics poster"-
allows local authorities to show the changes in the energy performance of a building from a year to another on a same poster.
This tool is already beaing used by numerous "Displayers" to show the results of public buildings renovation.
* In France, the "Factor 4" (Facteur 4) is a commitment taken by the government to divide green gas emissions by 4 by 2050.
Read the Declaration (in French) : Déclaration commune Etat-Grandes villes et Agglomérations
See examples of Display® statistics posters.
Read the Energy Efficiency Directive