Please note that the update of conversion factors may lead to variations of calculation results !
Energy mix of electricity production by country
Display® calculation tool takes into account different energy sources for the production of electricity. One of the used calculation methods is to purchase conventional electricity. Hereby conventional electricity signifies that it is purchased with supply contracts that do not contain an agreement about the contribution of specific primary energy sources to the overall energy mix. Therefore, it can be assumed that this electricity is composed similarly to the national electricity production. For this purpose the country data were obtained from the International Energy Agency and regularly updated and developed in the software guide (source IEA 2011).
Conversion factors of electricity production and final energy use
The input values of the calculation tool are final consumption data. To calculate the equivalent primary energy consumption, conversion factors are used. Those are regularly updated as it is the case for the conversion factors to primary energy and CO2 equivalents.Consult them on the software guide.