In partnership with Renovate Europe and Energy Cities, the European Commission, though its Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB), will partake in a highly visible communication action during the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW – 23-27 June) by presenting a giant-size Display® Campaign poster on the Charlemagne building highlighting the energy consumption of Commission buildings.
As the EU takes strides towards reducing its energy dependence on foreign imports, Europe’s leaky building stock is increasingly coming under scrutiny, as buildings represent the largest energy consuming sector in the EU at a high of 43% of all energy consumed. It is possible to reduce the energy consumption of a large part of the building stock by 80% with currently available technologies.
’Citizens need to see that public institutions are not paying lip service to the energy transition but actually taking action. Everywhere across Europe, local authorities are driving this trend, with over 500 of them taking part in the Display® Campaign. Close to 6,000 cities have committed to adopt ambitious sustainable energy action plans through the Covenant of Mayors, the Display® Campaign is a useful communication and transparency initiative to support them along this path’, said Claire Roumet, Deputy Executive Director of Energy Cities.
Read full press release
“Communicate your buildings performances.”
Display® is a campaign created and coordinated by Energy Cities.
Since 2003, hundreds of cities have raised their citizens’ awareness and reduced their CO2 emissions, water and energy consumption. Together they have produced thousands of attractive Display posters.
This is the largest voluntary city-led building certification campaign in Europe. Willing to join the campaign ? Please contact Peter Schilken. Participation is free for Energy Cities members.
You are a Displayer and you have renovated your public buildings since 2008 ?
Take part in the European study on renovation actions for public buildings !
Energy Cities, with the support of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable development and Energy, launches a study on renovation actions in public buildings realised by Displayers. To take part in this study, present your renovation actions in the following document ! – Contact : Laura Guérin
Energy Cities is part of the Renovate Europe Campaign.