The European Energy Efficiency Directive, applicable in December 2012, requests
Member States to renovate their buildings with a rate of 3% per year. The initial proposal of the European Commission targeted all public buildings, an objective that Energy Cities, coordinator of the European Display® Campaign, has always supported. Indeed, a 3% rate implies the renovation of the entire building stock by 2050.
Energy Cities continues to encourage local authorities and associations of local authorities in all European countries to commit to achieve this 3% goal, together with their governments. For this reason, Energy Cities joined the Renovate Europe Campaign, a European campaign for the renovation of buildings. Display® is one of the communication tools to publicly communicable the reduction of energy consumption thanks to renovation measures.

Thanks to contributions from Displayers, be inspired in the new publication of the Display® campaign by renovation best practices from European local authorities, including detailed measures and their cost, based on the « building statistics Display® poster ». These Displayers are showing the way towards deep renovation of public buildings at large scale !
Read the publication :
Displayers renovate from G to A ! Actions and costs for the renovation of public buildings in cities participating in the European Display® campaign
This publication has been prepared with the support of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.