Tatort Büro
Tatort Büro
"Tatort Büro" – Saving energy and water through environmental conscious behaviour in Hanover’s city administration; Example: administrative building Sallstr/ Am Bokemale
With the help of environmentally conscious user behaviour, a building’s energy consumption can be reduced by 10% without resulting in a loss of comfort. For this reason the regional capital of Hanover has started target-group specific energy saving projects in schools ("GSE" project - "in-house energy management in schools", since 1994), day-care centres (KliK" project - "climate protection in day-care centres", since 1998) and the city administration ("Tatort Büro" - "crime-scene office", since 2000). Participation in all projects is voluntary. Until now, 83 schools, approx. 70 day-care centres and approx. 40 other institutions are involved in the project(Status quo 24 March 06). According to building management team’s experience the full potential can only be achieved if users, in collaboration with energy consultants, develop energy-saving measures that are feasible for them. Dialogue between the users of the buildings is also essential. In contrast to similar, user-based energy saving approaches in schools and day-care centres, implementation in offices requires stronger linkages with employee’s daily routine, as there is no possibility to implement energy saving projects in the framework of pedagogic work. Therefore high standards concerning the organisation and time needed for implementation of the project have to be achieved. As incentive for participation the participants receive 30% of the energy costs saved, 40% are used for small scale investments, which lead to a further reduction of energy consumption and 30% to disburden the municipality’s budget.
Building details |
Type of building: |
Administrative building housing among others the city’s archive |
Year of construction/ Floor area/ Operating hours: |
1951/1966 5195 m²
mainly Monday to Friday 6.00am – 6.00pm
From time to time events take place in the archive during the evening. |
Energy label/CO2 emissions |
Electricity: 11% (21000 kWh)
Heat 4.5 % (25 MWh) climate corrected.
Approximately 21,000 kg CO2 has been saving the first year to date, given that measures became effective at the beginning of summer. (I.e. the much higher savings achievable in winter are not yet included.) |
ProjectDescription |
Aim |
To save energy and water through environmentally conscious user behaviour. To install simple energy saving equipment. |
Key points |
In the building Sallstr./ Bokemale three municipal offices are located, which belong to different administrative units (archive, urban regeneration and housing benefit).As there are no separate electricity and heating meters, the energy saving project "Tatort Büro“ was implemented in all departments at the same time with approval of the heads of departments and staff councils. Employees from all departments formed an Ecoteam and developed and implemented the following measures with the help of an energy consultant. Energy
Installation of approx. 150 multiway connectors for PC workstations, to avoid energy losses in the standby mode.
Exchange of approx. 60 60-Watt conventional light bulbs with 11-Watt energy saving bulbs in desk lamps.
Exchange of approx. 30 75-Watt ceiling lights with 15-Watt energy saving ones.
Installation of 11 clock timers for small hot water tanks. - Information on how to use the copy machine’s energy saving mode, thermos flasks, electric kettles, how to maintain the fridge and efficient lighting Heating
Recording of temperature profiles in selected rooms.
Distribution of thermometers to enable the staff to control the room temperature.
Information on proper ventilation procedure.
Information on the usage of radiator valves, repairing of approx. 50 old, hard to handle ones and installation of 5 remote sensors where valves were difficult to access.
Information on recommended minimum distance between radiators and furniture
Arresting or recalibration of radiator valves in hall and facility areas.
Replacement of 80 hand valves in repositories and public areas with lockable hand valves.
Draft proofing approx. 20 doors (at the doors’ lower edges).
Sealing of several windows and doors.
Harmonising heating system’s operating hours with office opening hours. Water saving measures
Information on aerators and flow limiters in flushes.
Tips how to use water saving flush buttons.
Checking for permeability and functionality of aerators. Realisation of an Action Day _ The Ecoteam launched an Action Day in order to reach as many colleagues as possible. In the entrance hall Ecoteam members use information stands and demonstration models to show colleagues how to save energy and water, and reduce heating. Additionally, thermometers and energy saving light bulbs for desk lamps were distributed. A blackboard was made available so that staff could leave suggestions and comments regarding the project. In future, Display posters will be used to make the savings achieved visible to everyone. |
Reason for inclusion as Shining Example |
The building’s use and structure are typical of many administrative buildings used by European municipalities. Consequently there is significant potential for the scale of savings realised in this case to be replicated elsewhere.
In general, the city of Hanover has, via the three projects GSE, KliK and Tatort Büro, established a voluntary system that covers all of the city’s realty and helps to save energy and water while fully involving the building users. This approach increases the likelihood that the lessons learned will be disseminated as widely as possible.
Partners&Roles |
Partnership details |
A collaborative approach was taken between the Eco-audit delegate and the building management unit within the municipal administration. |
Lessons Learned |
The time and effort invested in communication during the project’s first year is valuable as these are the only means by which feasible energy saving measures can be detected and implemented. From thereafter support is only needed occasionally – for example if changes are taking place. Reviews should take place regularly – at least every two years. |
Useful info |
Publications |
Dokumentation: Tatort Büro im Rathaus von Hannover |
Websites |
www.hannover.de |
Arrangements to visit |
Ihmeplatz 5, 30455 Hannover |