Display™ Campaign - Latest Statistics
Currently, the total number of the participants in the Display Campaign is 156 of which 141 cities are now registered on the Display website. Presently, these cities represent 23 countries.
The graph below illustrates the distribution of the participating cities according to country.
Distribution of Building types
There are currently 2985 buildings entered in the Display database and the most recent number of posters calculated is 3163.
As far as the number of buildings is concerned, Great Britain is the leading country, at this point, followed by France and Switzerland.
Classification according to the primary energy consumption ratio
In order to illustrate the energy consumption ratio the category of general schools has been selected. The highest number of buildings inserted in the Display database is under this category, currently with a total of 1531 general schools. Therefore, this category has been considered appropriate in order to show relevant results.
When comparing the performance of the general schools per country, in general, the graph below indicates a classical bell curve with a peak in C (France, Germany, Italy) and a peak in E (Sweden, United Kingdom).