Brasov Event (Conference and Study Tour) 25 - 27 April 2007
The 12th Annual Conference of Energie-Cités, hosted by the city of Brasov, will be one of the first events to be organised on a European scale since the accession of Romania to the European Union. Brasov, as winner of the second prize of the Display®/Towards Class Award last year, is no stranger to many Display® participants.
The theme of the conference, communicating to change our behaviour, fits perfectly with the major activity local authorities are undertaking during their local Display® Campaign. Thus the Display® Campaign has a special role to play within the conference programme in a specific workshop and we will be organising a special European Users Club meeting combined with an international study tour to a municipal building undergoing refurbishment. The study tour will address not only the technical aspects of the refurbishment, but also the administrative requirements and financial mechanisms needed to carry out refurbishments.
The conference and the Users Club meeting will offer the opportunity :
to provide practical and down-to-earth answers for the following : developing a coherent communication strategy at the local level ; understanding the mechanisms behind behavioural change ; involving partners ; how to access professional operational support
to meet and exchange ideas with other European municipalities active in the Display® Campaign
to appreciate the views of communication and social marketing specialists
Looking forward to see you in Brasov Click here for more information and inscriptions