Brasov study tour – inspiration for us all !

At the end of April the City of Brasov, Romania, winner of the second prize of the Display®/Towards Class Award in 2006, hosted Energie-Cités’ Annual Conference. The theme of the conference, communicating to change our behaviour, was perfect to highlight the advantages of the Display® Campaign and obviously Display® played a special part within the conference programme. In a specific workshop Jeff Kirton from Durham County Council, initiated a lively debate on how to communicate the energy performance of public buildings to the users.
As the closing highlight of the conference an international study tour to the "Grigore Moisil" high school, a National College of Computer Science, was organised by the European Display® users club. The high school is currently undergoing large-scale refurbishment. More than 50 people appreciated the presentations by :
- Camelia Rata from Brasov retracing the energy efficiency week that took place in 2005 when Display® was launched in three schools ; in each of the schools the pupils prepared a special event according to their school profile to celebrate the official launching event (see)
- Berno Ram and his Romanian colleague Costin Cuneşteanu presented the technical aspects of Philips’ new lighting system that has been installed in a number of classrooms and floors. Not only energy savings will be achieved but also the quality of light has been significantly improved.

- Andrei Băceanu from Moeller introduced the new lighting management system, which is not only daylight and zone control but also completely switched off during night time.
- Peter Schilken (Display® coordinator) shortly introduced the recently printed Towards Class A Guidelines
The study tour was concluded by a walk around ; it was very interesting to compare the former and the new lighting systems and to have a look at the AquaClic water savers (the award prize) installed in the toilettes. But the most photographed object was the huge Display® poster at the school’s entrance.