Technical means: Energy and water consumption is closely monitored by the high school’s administration. The expected annual consumption is determined according to the average consumption of recent years.
Where consumption is higher than expected, possible reasons for this are investigated, with a view to finding an appropriate solution. If there is no objective reason for the extra consumption this is brought to the attention of the school’s administrator.
Due to this monitoring the school was able to reduce their water consumption via two simple actions: reparation of the toilets and pipes and installation of stop valves.
In 1999 the roof of the school was partially repaired and in 2001 a significant number of wooden window frames were replaced with PVC window frames.
Despite the age of the building, it is well insulated thus naturally helping to reduce the consumption of energy. Communication activities: Sustainability of the General High School No 7 is not only a question of technical issues. It is also essential that building users adapt their energy and water consumption habits. That is why the school principle started the following actions.
In Ukrainian schools a subject titled "Principles of Life Activities” is taught. But within this subject energy saving is not a special topic. The schools of Ivano-Frankivsk felt that this was a problem and thus made the decision to introduce it into this subject. They thus produced an adapted textbook in order to help teach this topic. Every pupil was provided with one copy.
Furthermore the handbook called "Bringing Sustainable Energy Into Your School" will be translated into Ukrainian. The handbook was produced by Energie-Cités in 2006 as a part of the project titled SchooBIE-DO (School Buildings Integrated Energy Development Operation). On the one hand this will help energy managers of schools to turn the buildings into environmentally friendly schools. On the other hand the handbook also gives useful advice on how to integrate the subject of energy into the curriculum.
Teachers who teach the "Principles of Life Activities" also took part in a workshop. They were familiarised with the different practical methods of teaching this subject and how to use the Display® posters in order to make pupils aware of environmental friendly behaviour.

Pupils in Ivano-Frankivsk also tackle energy saving issues during physics lessons, partake in discussions on the subject and go on excursions to the communal water supplier “Ivano-Frankivskvodoekotechprom”. It is the only water supplier of the city. These excursions aim to show the children how the water supply of a city works and the importance of avoiding waste.