Display® 2.0 online !
Following a survey in April last year, version 2.0 of the Display® online calculation tool has been in the process of development and is now available to all Display® users. The new version has been programmed to take into account the considerations of the survey.
The most impressive aspect of the new tool is its speed, now making it possible to perform statistical calculations, even for thousands of buildings. Some new functions have also been added :
- The possibility to download calculation results and building data in "Excel type" spreadsheets
- Access to national statistics for the whole range of buildings of the cities participating in the Display® Campaign
- The possibility to create Display® users accounts for people in your organisation such as colleagues, in order to provide them with a personalised access to the Display® tool.

The new version of the tool has been translated in German, English and French. To add new languages, go to the “My Translations” section and complete the boxes with the words or expressions you wish to translate.
The ability to adapt Display® according to national regulations was also a function that was suggested during last April’s survey. For the countries with which we are working closely, we are awaiting the official release of these regulations in order to integrate them within the Display® tool.
Make the most of this new tool !