How can we join Display® ?
1. Download the Display® charter on the website of the Display® Campaign, sign it and send two copies to the secretariat of Energie-Cités :
2 chemin de Palente,
Besançon, 25 000, FRANCE
or scan the charter and send a digital copy to
After having received the welcome letter you need to :
2. Pay a fee to use the Display® calculation tool and communication aids and tools (free for Energie-Cités members),
3. Fill in the registration questionnaire.
Once your payment has been confirmed you will receive your password via e-mail.
How much is the fee for membership ?
All participants have to pay a registration fee for using the Display® calculation tool, communication aids and tools.
European Union + Norway, Iceland + Switzerland | 1000 euros registration fee |
Central and Eastern European countries + other countries | 625 euros registration fee |
The registration is free for Members of Energie Cités.
How is the Display® fee calculated ?
The registration fee is calculated on the basis of the services offered by Energie-Cités within the Display® Campaign, i.e. :
1. the "Display®" concept comprising : the calculation tool on the Internet,
2. the statistical treatment of data on the buildings registered under the scheme,
3. an information leaflet,
4. one copy of the communication handbook,
5. the Internet website,
6. an assistance service for those that are using the Display® calculation tool,
7. regular information on developments in the European Display® Campaign.
The fee is not dependent on the number of buildings entered into the calculation tool, as this work is carried out by the energy manager of the participating city.