How much time does it take to create an individual Display® poster ?
Once you have collected the necessary information it does not take more than five minutes to create your individual Display® poster. The Display® poster generation tool provides you with online help so that you can enter your data into the database and download your poster as a pdf file.
Are high demands made on the users of the Display® poster generation tool as far as technical knowledge is concerned ?
The Display® poster generation tool has been designed to be operated usually by the energy manager. Additionally, there is an online wiki users guide that offers step-by-step instructions, examples, figures, and a glossary to ensure that a layman is also able to use the tool. If any problems occur while using the Display® poster generation tool the Display® team is at your disposal to answer your questions. However, concerning the collection of the necessary information, we assume that you have at least some very basic knowledge regarding energy matters.