Display 3.0 software released!
A new user friendly version of the Display software with more functions is now available. Several months of developments and tests have been necessary to bring this version of the Display software. As the layout is mainly the same, at first sight there appears to be few changes. However, interesting functions and corrections have been implemented.
Most of them were expected by the participants. Some of them come directly from a National User Club. Below is a list of corrections and new functions:
Of the French (DPE) system:
update of class benchmarks for DPE calculation method;
annual French DPE takes into account the weather correction factor;
tri-annual French DPE is visible on all pages;
tri-annual French DPE statistics at the local and national level;
simultaneous DPE and DISPLAY calculations for French participants;
update national statistics edition;
correction for graphs in local and national statistics edition;
weather correction for the electrical heating system.
Of the Display system:
update of class benchmarks (mainly water) for Display calculation method;
update of the conversion factors: primary energy and CO2 equivalents (there are now factors for 36 European countries).;
update national statistics edition;
correction for graphs in local and national statistics edition;
weather correction for the electrical heating system
documentation: a users guide wiki is publicly available http://www.display-campaign.org/doc/en/index.php/Main_Page ;
import/export system for buildings and consumptions;
update of the weather factors in all calculations at once(My organisation);
possibility to generate and download hundreds of posters at once;
possibility to delete hundreds of buildings at once;
possibility to delete hundreds of calculations at once;
translations: less phrases to translate;
demonstration version is apart from the Display software;
registration system is integrated in the software;
database structure divides entered data and calculated data;
bugs detection system for the administrator to know them in real time.
Version 3.0 is currently available in nine languages (English, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese and Ukranian). Translations to add other languages will be added on-line soon. We hope that you are satisfied with the Display Software, if not, you are more than welcome to send us your comments so that we can continue to improve this tool together.
Please contact Ian TURNER