Proposed recasting of the EPBD available!
The existing Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), adopted in 2002, is a key element to improve buildings’ energy performance. Even though this existing directive is still to be fully implemented in most of the Member States the Commission sees further room for strengthening the effectiveness and the impact of this Directive. That’s why a proposed recast of the EPBD was published on the 13th of November. The scope of the Directive is broadened; all existing buildings when they undergo a major renovation should meet certain efficiency levels and not only for those above 1000m² as was in the current Directive.
Of interest to members of display® is the following proposal “A requirement that if the total useful area over 250 m of a building is occupied by public authorities, a certificate should be issued by 31 December 2010, is introduced.”. As it is possible to produce Display posters for all your buildings those authorities that have chosen to prepare posters for all their public buildings will be glad to know that they are ahead of the game!
It is also proposed that Member States develop plans for increased numbers of low or zero energy and carbon buildings, such as passive houses. The public sector should show a leading example investing in such buildings. Click here to see here the proposal for the RECAST. Click here to read the press release. Energie Cites’ opinion on the consulted version of recast can be downloaded here: