Finnish Energy Agencies meet in Muhos
The Finnish Energy Agencies had a network meeting on the 10th and 11th of December 2008 in Muhos, which is a town in Northern Finland. The ’youngest’ Finnish Energy Agency ’Energy Agency of North Ostrobothnia’ is situated in Muhos. The meeting was hosted by the Finnish National Energy Agency Motiva Oy. Finnish Energy Agencies (10 in total) have annual meetings (1-2 per year) where topical questions are discussed and also co-operation is planned for the future. In this meeting the topics were how to improve "networking", visibility of the agencies and also the agencies’ role as local "players" among others in implementing the national climate and energy strategy.
The Display label was presented using theppt slide show developed by Energie-Cités for the Cyber project. The agencies were very interested in Display.
Discussions about the relationship to national official energy certification
took place. The Regional Energy Agencies, which have several
small municipalities in they region, were concerned about the payment, which is too big for small municipalities. HKR-Rakennuttaja, Helsinki, posed this question to Energie-Cites who explained that there are two options for Regional management structures: 1. The regional structure in this case the energy agency joins Display and they enter the buildings for the small municipalities in their account. 2. The regional structure signs an “agreement” with Energie-Cités and all the smaller towns larger than 10 000 inhabitants within their region pay half price and towns smaller than 10 000 can join free. This allows each small municipality to have their own login.
Please contact Ian Turner if you have any questions about this agreement option.
The next network meeting will be in Helsinki on 25th and 26th of March 2009.