Upcoming events
14 – 16 January 2009: The 3rd MODEL workshop will take place from the 14-16 January 2009 in Krakow (PL) and Ian Turner will participate to encourage Model pilot cities to join the Display Campaign.
The European MODEL project encourages municipalities to become models for their citizens and local stakeholders in the field of rational use of energy. 42 pilot cities from 10 New Member States and Croatia have already joined the project. Model pilot cities receive great support from the MODEL national coordinators who provide them the best European practices in sustainable energy management. National coordinators and invited pilot cities regularly exchange their experiences on municipal energy planning processes during the 5 workshops organised within the framework of the project .
28 – 30 January 2009: The 10th National “Assises de l’Energie et du climat” for local authorities will take place in Grenoble. This is one of the most important events in France where local authorities meet to discuss energy and climate change issues. To download the programme click here (fr).