The city of Angers launches Display: an integral part of the city’s energy management policy for public buildings
The city of Angers in France joined the Display Campaign in 2007. “This tool is integrated into Anger’s energy management policy for public buildings and forms part of the list of actions. Our buildings consume 65 GWh, emit10,000 tonnes of CO2 and use 250 000 m3 of water”, stresses Julien Sorreau, head of the Energy Unit. The city’s building stock consists of 700 sites, 1,300 buildings or 900,000 m².
What kind of display? Why? Where? How? “Concerning the subject of energy management, the city would like to educate and increase the responsibility of its employees and citizens. Therefore we linked these internal objectives with the National legal obligations to produce an Energy Certificate (DPE)”, explains Fabien Fournier, responsible for purchasing and managing fluids in the city. The municipal amenities managers were directly involved in the process. More than a hundred buildings larger than 1,000 m² are concerned. A 60cm by 80cm poster covered in plastic to improve its resistance was chosen. In addition to the normal Display information and in order to be more transparent the energy costs for each of the buildings were also integrated into the Towards Class A building section.
Other energy management activities in Angers
Amongst the different activities, the city of Angers rigorously monitors the energy consumption of all its amenities, works on improving its autopilot systems, identifies the buildings that consume a lot of energy, carry out audits and refurbish buildings(insulation, installing equipment that is more energy efficient…). The development of renewable energy is being increased as part of rational development.
When it comes to construction, rehabilitation work is aimed at systematically improving the energy performance of the buildings and all new builds are required to be ‘B’ rated.
Contacts: Fabien Fournier: Fluid management technician
Julien Sorreau: Head of the Energy Unit