First Ukrainian Display seminar a success!
On December 4 the Association of Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine-organised a very productive two-day seminar-training in Lviv focussing on the Display® Campaign and the Display® tool. On the first day there were 45 participants including two representatives from the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy, two mayors and three deputy mayors. On the second day more then 30 participants from 22 cities were trained on how to use the Display tool to prepare Display posters. The energy managers of Lviv, the second most active city in the Display Campaign, were major sources of practical experience. This experience was effectively passed to the other seminar participants.
An essential Ukrainian innovation to assist the Display data collection process was introduced during the second day of training. A special programme for collection of building data has been created as a result of combined efforts by Taras Kopets and Lviv software development company "City Information Systems". For more information please contact Anatoliy Kopets.