Litoměřice launch Display on earth day
During the celebration of this year’s Earth Day (22nd April) the City of Litoměřice, a member of Czech Healthy Cities, launched their local Display campaign and revealed their first poster. They chose a large notice board in front of Ladova elementary school to “display” the first poster with the current energy, CO2 and water consumption. Pupils had the opportunity to discuss the figures and other data with representatives of the municipality. A special speech was given by the vice mayor Václav Červín, who said: “This day we have launched Display Campaign and joined other cities around Europe that want to inform their inhabitants about energy consumption of the public buildings. We want to continue and gradually display posters on all our municipal buildings”.
The event also attracted attention of the regional press and local TV station that produced a short video on their websites, too. By this, Litoměřice has made another significant step towards communicating local energy issues and their importance for the city and community development with its citizens and especially the young generation.
Litoměřice will soon be joined by two other Healthy Cities who will start local Display communication campaigns in their city.
Click here to see the press release.
And here to see the video (from the 7th minute).
Photo: Numerous pupils of Ladova elementary school have met with representatives of city hall at the occasion of the first unveiling of the Display poster in Litoměřice during the Earth Day celebration in the Czech Republic.