What are the benefits of joining the Display® campaign ?
1. Complementary action to your national implementation of the Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD), emphasising communicating with the building users and the public.
2. Going beyond the national obligation, with Display you can easily create a poster in 25 languages for all your buildings, whatever the building’s size.
3. In France Display® has been adapted to the National legislation thus it is possible to produce communicative Display® posters to compliment the National certificates. Further adaptations will follow soon, please check the website.
4. Flags an interest in innovative ways of thinking thus increasing the attractiveness of the municipality to potential investors.
5. Being part of a European movement ahead of it’s time. During the EPBD recast review, the EU Parliament has proposed a common European certification for the energy performance of non-residential buildings to be introduced by the latest in 2012. This voluntary scheme will be the same in all Member States and exist alongside the national certification scheme. This pan-European label is exactly what hundreds of Display participants have been implementing since 2004.
6. Benefit from network effects via the European and the national Display Users Clubs : Exchange experience with other cities during these meetings and by using the blog on the Internet or by developing direct bilateral contacts.
7. Display software allows you to monitor and evaluate progress of the performances of your building stock and to identify buildings which require major refurbishments .
Joining Display®
Is collective membership possible ?
Who can participate in the Display® Campaign ?
Can I see who is already a member of the Display® Campaign ?
What do I need to do to join Display® ?
How much is the membership fee ?
How is the Display® fee calculated ?
What are the benefits of joining the Display® campaign ?
How can Display help me with my communication campaign?
What commitments do members enter into ?
Are Display members obliged to display the poster if the classification indicates a poor rating (e.g. F or G) ?
Can Display® replace my National certificate ?
Which tools are provided by the display Campaign ?
Is it possible to try out the Display® poster generation tool free of charge before becoming a participant ?
The Display® Software
Which methodology does the Display software use ?
What data are necessary to create an individual Display® poster ?
Which building types does the Display® tool take into account ?
In which languages is the Display® software available ?
How much time does it take to create an individual Display® poster ?
Do you require in depth technical knowledge to produce a Display poster ?
Technical Questions
Are the Display results in Pamplona comparable to those in Helsinki ?
Why does Display only use one single Classification scheme per building type for the whole of Europe ? Is it not more appropriate to develop a classification scheme per climate zone ?
Why are the ratios measured per square metre and not per user of the building ?
Why does Display® use a local weather correction factor ?
Is it possible to import existing data ?
Which data sources does the Display software use ?
Which different kinds of energy supply of a building are included ?
Do you check the data that is entered ?