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Dernière publication : Les Displayers rénovent de G à A ! Actions et coûts de rénovation des bâtiments publics des collectivités de la campagne européenne Display®}}

Liens d’accès rapide :
Publications (2011-2004)
Publications - De Montfort University (DMU)
PUBLICATIONS (2004-2016)
Nouveau dépliant de la campagne Display 2016, 2 pages |
CYBER Display Publishable Report The report of a decade of ’displaying’, 2011, 56 pages |
Towards a voluntary common European Union certification scheme for non-residential buildings
Publication stressing on the use of the DISPLAY outcomes on European scale, 2010, 19 pages |
Energy Cities Info Supplement No.37 La campagne Display : en avance sur son temps!, 2009, 12 pages |
Laissez parler vos bâtiments ! Plaquette 2 pages et marque page DPE/Display, 2008 |
Five ’displayful’ years This report gives a detailed sum-up of the first actions and results reached in 5 yearsof DISPLAY campagin, 2008, 55 pages |
Towards Class A Guidelines A collection of useful ’Top tips’ to move in Class A direction, 2007, 32 pages |
Energy Cities Information Supplement No.29 A brochure focussing on recent developments within the DISPLAY campaign, 2005, 10 pages |
PUBLICATIONS - De Montfort University (DMU) LOGOS
Energy Cities Logo - for screen use
Energy Cities Logo - for print use
Intelligent Energy Europe Logo
heating |
water |
electricity |



isolation |
computers |
infiltration |



renewable energy |
ventilation |


Display campaign in brief
General Power point presentation
Training Workshop documentation
6 Shining examples
Report on pilot group companies’ experience