Tuesday 11 December 2007
Under the umbrella of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign, the second EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place in Brussels, Belgium, and in other cities across Europe from Monday 28 January to Friday 1 February, 2008. Three events within this week are related to the Building Directive:
1 Open Contractors’ Meeting
On Wednesday 30th January, during the whole day, the EACI and the EPBD Buildings Platform will jointly host an open Contractors’ Meeting to allow the project consortia to present the key elements and outcomes of their work, both to other consortia and market actors. It is expected that both the contractors and the market actors can benefit from this synergy. The meeting will take place in the De Mot Building of DG TREN in Brussels. (Display members will be present at the meeting)
2 EPBD - next steps and stakeholdes input
During the EUSEW, DG TREN and the EPBD Buildings Platform are hosting an event on Thursday 31st January 2008 entitled "Energy Performance of Buildings Directive - next steps and stakeholders input". (Display members will be present at the event)
3 Assises de l’Energie at Dunkerque (FR)
29 janvier de 14.00 à 17.00, Energie-Cités organise une conférence/débat « la certification des bâtiments : les villes françaises Display® montrent la voie » : lancement officiel du DPE et de Display® adapté.
Le programme et le bulletin d’inscription seront téléchargeables début janvier
30-31 January 2008
1. 10 ateliers qui vont couvrir une grande partie du champ d’action des collectivités locales dans le domaine de l’énergie et du climat.
2. Avant les ateliers :
Une mise à niveau critique de l’information dans la session Quoi de Neuf ?
Un exposé sur la décision publique face aux questions énergétiques et climatiques
Un Forum ouvert « Un territoire à l’épreuve des enjeux énergétiques et climatiques »
3. Après les ateliers :
Que se passe-t-il dans d’autres pays : en Chine, aux Etats-Unis, dans les Grandes Villes du Monde
Après le Grenelle de l’environnement, les élus s’interrogeront sur les questions suivantes : qu’est ce qui a changé ? Quelle est la feuille de route des collectivités territoriales ?
4. 10 forums techniques en parallèle clôturent les Assises le 31 après-midi
Programme complet en ligne sur
english version
29 January: 14.00h to 17.00h, Energie-Cités is organising
a conference « The Certification of Buildings: The French Display® Cities Are Showing The Way »
30-31 January 2008: 10 workshops will cover most actions local authorities (can) undertake in the field of energy and climate.
Before and after the workshops:
A critical overview on ‘What’s new’ will provide a national and international update
A debate on the role of public decision makers to tackle challenges of energy and climate change
An open Forum titled « A territory meeting challenges of energy and climate change »
What is going on in other parts of the world: China and the United States.
Cities of the world : After the ‘Grenelle de l’environnement’ in France mayors ask themselves: what are the next steps? What roadmap to follow for cities ?
Technical forum in parallel will close the conference on 31st January in the afternoon.
For a detailed programme of the three days conference please consult the website www.assises-energie.net
For further information on all events: www.eusew.eu. Distribution of the registration details and agenda in the near future.