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Display™ training session 19-22 September

Friday 21 July 2006

From the 19th to the 22nd of September 2006 the first Display™ Campaign training session will be taking place.

The main objective is to train strategic country representatives mostly from new member states to become effective Display pioneers in their countries.

By the end of the training session they will be able to:

- Present the Display™ Campaign to others in a clear and concise manner

- Instruct others on how the calculation tool works and answer general technical questions

- Share ideas with other municipalities about how to initiate a Display communication Campaign

- Respond to questions from municipalities who wish to improve the rating of their buildings

The training session will take place in Besançon, France with a days outing to Lausanne, Switzerland including a visit to a local site of interest. All sessions will take place in English.

Contact: Ian Turner

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