Cascais Energy Days 2008
The DISPLAY® campaign will be presented during the
Cascais Energy Days 2008 on the 16./17. of October in Portugal. The international conference is organized by Cascais Energia Agency and takes place in the vicinity of Lisbon.
Click here to see the preliminary conference agenda. The DISPLAY® campaign will be presented at 10 a.m. on the 17. October during a session about energy efficiency in buildings.
More information about the event are available on the website ofCascais Energia Agency.
Training Workshop
After the kick off display meeting in Bristol, a training workshop will be held in September 24/25th 2008.Note that this is a closed meeting.
Date of pulication: 25 août 2008
CYBER Display®
The new phase of the Display® campaign : CYBER Display® will start with the kick off meeting of September 23/24th. It will be held in the city of Bristol (UK).
Date of pulication: 25 août 2008
12 Juin 2008 Club CEREN de l’Energie
Une présentation des derniers progrès de Display sur la compatibilité Display/DPE sera faite lors de la réunion du Club CEREN de l’Energie. Seront présents des représentants du MEEDAT et de QUALICONSULT IMMOBILIER, SOCOTEC et de l’Académie de Limoges pour discuter sur le DPE et la sensibilisation des Agents, Elus et Chefs d’établissements à ce sujet.
Conférence interrégionale - Dans quelle architecture vivrons-nous demain ?
2007 Novembre 16
Le respect de l’environnement et la gestion des énergies sont revenus au centre des débats sous la pression de constats mondiaux inquiétants. Dans un contexte plus local, le prix de l’immobilier se pose chaque jour davantage comme un facteur de discrimination
sociale et un frein à l’accession à la propriété pour de nombreux ménages. Au-delà de toutes ces préoccupations, c’est aussi la question de l’avenir de notre cadre de vie qui est posée, et l’architecture est une de ses composantes significatives.
Conférence interrégionale - Dans quelle architecture vivrons-nous demain ?
La première partie de la conférence a abordé l’impact des normes énergétiques sur la construction: audit et passeport...
Dans ce cadre, Guillaume Champvillard, chargé de mission Thermique des bâtiments,
Agence Locale de l’Energie des Ardennes (F-Charleville-Mézières), a présenté la vision française et la campagne européenne Display.
Cet événement a eu lieu le 16 Novembre 2007 au Centre européen Robert Schuman /
Voie de la Liberté 107 / B-6717 Attert
Programme en français
Display® Rendezvous and TCA Awards 2007
11th of October 2007
The Display Rendezvous took place in the afternoon of the 11th of October in the impressive city hall of Brussels, Belgium.
Globalcity Conference
2007 May 14th - 16th
Creating a Sustainable future for our cities Centre de Congrèe - Lyon - France
Display® Presentation by Ian Turner during the workshop on the following dates: Tuesday 15th May - 15:45 - 17:15 Wednesday 16th May - 10:30 - 11:30
5th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, Sevilla (ES)
2007 March 21-25
This Conference offers the opportunity to:
- gain an insight of the progress and achievements in local sustainability in Europe, made through the implementation of the Aalborg Commitments and Aalborg charter, and thus to foster sustainability in your own city or town.
- discover recently developed tools, instruments and knowledge that can support your city or town in its efforts to accelerate sustainability.
ESTA 5th National Conference - Birmingham (GB)
2007 February 7th
Jeff Kirton will present Durham County’s experience of the Display® Campaign at the ESTA 5th National automatic Monitoring and Targeting Conference.
For more information ESTA website Registration
Sustainable development of urban areas - Strasbourg (FR)
2006 November 29th - 30th
Exchange of experiences to optimise the use of European funds for the promotion of social cohesion within towns. Presentation of the Display® Campaign : Lille.
Programme of the training session english PDF
Display™ training session
2006 September 19th - 22th
From the 19th to the 22nd of September 2006 the first Display™ Campaign training session will be taking place.
The main objective is to train strategic country representatives mostly from new member states to become effective Display pioneers in their countries.
By the end of the training session they will be able to:
Present the Display™ Campaign to others in a clear and concise manner
Instruct others on how the calculation tool works and answer general technical questions
Share ideas with other municipalities about how to initiate a Display communication Campaign
Respond to questions from municipalities who wish to improve the rating of their buildings
The training session will take place in Besançon, France with a days outing to Lausanne, Switzerland including a visit to a local site of interest. All sessions will take place in English.
Contact: Ian Turner
Lancement de la campagne Display™ à Morges (CH)
2006 June 20th
La ville de Morges inaugure demain sa campagne Display™ avec une conférence de presse et une exposition qui présente aux responsables administratifs et aux directeurs d’écoles les 23 premiers bâtiments qui font l’objet d’un affichage Display™.
communiqué de presse - poster Display™
Pour plus d’information Alain Jaccard
Second European Conference of Municipal Energy Managers, Warsaw (PL)
2006 October 5th - 6th
The conference will underline the importance of promoting Europe-wide exchange of experience and encourage networking between local governments, their energy specialists and the
energy agencies. Programme PDF en, pl (1,3 Mo) Registration form
Maîtrise de l’énergie dans les collectivités, Besançon (FR)
2006 June 13th
L’Ascomade organise une réunion d’information et d’échanges sur la maîtrise de l’énergie dans les collectivités. Contact : Alexandra Mariage