Thursday 22 November 2007
Walsall Council has a strategic objective to become a leading council in the field of environmental sustainability. The Council has set an ambitious target of reducing their energy consumption and CO2 emissions by 12.5% over the next five years. To this end, the Council has invested in several energy efficiency projects. In addition, the Council is focusing on involving their 7,000 staff and encouraging them to be energy aware in the home and the workplace. In order to raise awareness, Energy Champions have been recruited and a number of special events have been held to engage staff in energy efficiency projects.
Environmental Champions spread the word on conserving energy in Walsall Council
In 2005 Bristol City Council became one of 19 pilot members of the Local Authority Energy Finance (LAEF) scheme: a sustainable energy efficiency fund run and part-funded by Salix Finance. As a result, investment into energy efficiency has increased dramatically. Of all LAEF participants, Bristol has undertaken the greatest value of energy efficiency projects, in monetary terms.
Improving the energy efficiency of Bristol City Council’s buildings