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> Mots-clés > Events/News >
RECAST of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive available
The monthly electronic note from the Architects’ Council of Europe
"Towards Class A" Award - Call 2008/9 Now Open
"Towards Class A" Guidelines available on-line
13th DISPLAY® Newsletter
15 candidates for the TCA Award 2007
15 million euro to promote sustainable energy investments in cities
3rd Display™ newsletter now online
4 new european « Shining Examples » :
4th Display Newsletter
4th newsletter of the Intelligent Energy Executive Agency
8 high quality candidates for the TCA award
9 National Country reports available
Affichage officiel des étiquettes énergie et eau, Lille (FR)
Any local authority with three or more Green Flag Schools can join Display® for half price
Award 2007
Bristol launch their internal energy savings campaign
Briston and Walsall - Two Shining Examples
Bulletin Display® No 2 de la METRO de Grenoble
Campagne Display : expérience à Meylan (FR)
Ces villes qui affichent leur bulletin de notes
City of Kaunas participates in the European Display Campaign
CYBER Display® successfully launched
Dexia and Energie-Cités establish a partnership to promote the Display® Campaign energy posting on public buildings in Europe
Diagnostic énergétique : Vers une étiquette énergie
Diagnostics de performance énergétique dans les bâtiments publics
Display calculation tool now available in twelve languages
DISPLAY Campaign brings the first fruits in Bratislava-Vrakuna
Display mentioné dans "L’efficacité énergétique dans l’Union européenne : panorama des politiques et des bonnes pratiques"
Display NEWS 15 ready for Christmas
Display NEWS April online
Display NEWS February now online
Display NEWS May online
Display Newsletter No. 10
Display Shining Examples
Display: a successful past and a promising future
Display™ Campaign in Poland
Display™ in Helsinki
Display® au Conservatoire national de région - Lille (FR)
Display® à la TV suisse
Display® Campaign in Slovak Republic
Display® Campaign launch in Nyiregyhaza
Display® Campaign partner of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign
Display® in the slovak press
Display® Newsletter N°11 online
Display® on video
Display® Shining example Cassop Primary School on ‘YouTube’!
Display® user’s guide wiki version and online updated FAQ
Display® video
Durham County Council highly commended for their Display Campaign submission
Eco Energy (BG) join the Display Campaign : 43 new members
Economies d’énergie dans les bâtiments municipaux, Journal des Communes
Efektívnosťou znackovaná Vrakuňa
Energyday 08 in Vernier, Switzerland
Environment Agency Water Efficiency Awards - UK
Europe et Territoires, n°46
European Display Users’ Club- Brussels 22 April 2009
First Croatian Display poster unveiled
First Czech Display® Poster
First Display® Training session: a success
First Shining Example from Finland
First Shining Example from Greece
First Slovak city joins Display!
First UK Display Users club held in Derby the 26th of November
Global Survey indicates that Mandatory labelling & certification programs are highly effective at reducing carbon emissions and are highly cost effective
Groupe de travail "Facteur 4" et la Campagne Display
Highland games – Communication and energy efficiency rewarded
Kampaň už je na Slovensku
Kaunas excels in Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Kingersheim affiche un bon nombre de posters Display
Kommunen - Vorreiter in der Energiepolitik
La Campagne Display dans l’agglomération grenobloise
La France produit 6 exemples à suivre en 6 semaines
Lancement de la campagne Display® à Genève
Lausanne au journal télévisé de France 2
Les 5èmes Rencontres énergivie
Les bâtiments affichent leurs performances énergétiques
Les bâtiments à nu
Mariage de la Campagne Display® et du Diagnostic de Performance Energétique (DPE)
Navarre Government rewards Pamplona City Council for its project "Display of saving and energy efficiency in buildings of Pamplona City Council ".
New associated partner: Caisse des Dépôts
New Display® leaflet and stickers
New Display® Partner: Zürich
New look Display NEWS available
New Shining Examples - Hannover and CEME
New Shining Examples from Durham, Bielsko-Biala and Utrecht
Newsletter 16 now available
Newsletter Mai 2008: une vue d’ensemble de la campagne Display.
Newsletter N°9
Newsletter SuisseEnergie
Newsletter SuisseEnergie n°31
Newsletter Sustainable Energy Europe, n°1
On parle de Display® en Belgique
Partnership between Philips Lighting and Display™ Campaign
Première Journée Display à Saint Erblon
Quand Display fait la promo du label Cité de l’énergie!
Shining Examples in Educational Buildings of Varna / Bulgaria
Shining Examples in Slovakia and Czech Republic
Sondage sur la Relation entre Communication et Amélioration de la Performance Energétique des Bâtiments Publics:
Suisse - La campagne Display continue
Summary posters for Shining Examples available
Survey on the Link between Communication and Public Buildings’ Energy Performance Improvement
TCA Award 2006
The 5th Display™ Newsletter
The 6th Display® Newsletter
The 8th Display® Newsletter
Three Shining Examples in the bulgarian city of Krivodol
Towards Class A award 2007 Winners
Un Watt d’Or pour les Services Industriels de Lausanne (CH) !
Verona (it) awarded a national prize
Video about the Display Campaign in Kaunas
Display - Old version
User guide
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