Friday 16 February 2007
The 2007 call for applications for the Display® ”Towards Class A” Award was launched during the European Sustainable Energy Week (29/01-02/02/07).
We are looking forward to your municipal communication activities. And do not forget: It is not the size of your awareness-raising project which matters, but rather its originality, public participation, dissemination of communication material and your overall strategy.
For those who already applied in 2006: you are very welcome to try your luck again. It is important, though, that your campaign activities have been broadened or a new strategy has been initiated. In your application you should make clear, what the differences are that make your proposal stand out from last year.
If you have any question concerning the award please contact Ian Turner.
Once you have finalised your application, please send it before the 22th June to:
TCA Award
2,chemin de Palente
F 25000 Besançon
or digitally to Ian Turner.