What do I need to do to join Display® ?
There are three steps to join the Display Campaign :
1. Download the Display® charter on the website of the Display® Campaign, sign it and send two copies to the secretariat of Energie-Cités :
2 chemin de Palente,
F 25 000 Besançon
or scan the charter and send a digital copy to www.energie-cites.eu/ian.
After having received the welcome letter you need to :
2. Pay the registration fee in order to use the Display® calculation tool and communication aids and tools (free for Energie-Cités members),
3. Fill in the registration form.
Once your payment has been confirmed you will receive your password via e-mail.
Joining Display®
Is collective membership possible ?
Who can participate in the Display® Campaign ?
Can I see who is already a member of the Display® Campaign ?
What do I need to do to join Display® ?
How much is the membership fee ?
How is the Display® fee calculated ?
What are the benefits of joining the Display® campaign ?
How can Display help me with my communication campaign?
What commitments do members enter into ?
Are Display members obliged to display the poster if the classification indicates a poor rating (e.g. F or G) ?
Can Display® replace my National certificate ?
Which tools are provided by the display Campaign ?
Is it possible to try out the Display® poster generation tool free of charge before becoming a participant ?
The Display® Software
Which methodology does the Display software use ?
What data are necessary to create an individual Display® poster ?
Which building types does the Display® tool take into account ?
In which languages is the Display® software available ?
How much time does it take to create an individual Display® poster ?
Do you require in depth technical knowledge to produce a Display poster ?
Technical Questions
Are the Display results in Pamplona comparable to those in Helsinki ?
Why does Display only use one single Classification scheme per building type for the whole of Europe ? Is it not more appropriate to develop a classification scheme per climate zone ?
Why are the ratios measured per square metre and not per user of the building ?
Why does Display® use a local weather correction factor ?
Is it possible to import existing data ?
Which data sources does the Display software use ?
Which different kinds of energy supply of a building are included ?
Do you check the data that is entered ?